




6. The ri se and deYelopment of the modern Church with its new att itude (whi ch is usually referred to as "The Modern M ind ") and its mi ss ionary, philanthropic and soc;a l movements. This wi ll be an endeavor to get the hi st orical basi s and background of the complex and acu te problems with whi ch the church is now con­ front ed in its thinking and activiti es. II. THE PHILOSOPHICAL I NTERPRETATION OF THE E FACTS OF RELIGION. This will be an endeavor to find the source, meaning and signi fi cance of the fact of rel; gion as found in the hi story stud ies. FIRST YEAR 1. The in terpretation of the world as it fin ds its culmi nation in man and the social orde i-. This wi ll be an endeavor to get a clea r idea of the d iff erent theor ies of the or igin and meaning of our world with special rega rd to the or; gin , nature and meaning of religion. This will involve the d iffe rent theo ri es of evolution and the quest ion of the poss i­ bility and nature of revelation.


2. Jesus Chr ;st as the highest expression of li fe and the logical key to the fina l meaning of our world and t he supreme author ity in religion. T his wi ll be largely a study in comparative religions in which there will be an endeavo r to see the nature and significance of the d iffe rent world relig ions and to find the fundamenta l reasons why Chri stianity is the unh•crsal and final religion.


3. A study of Chri st ianity as a supernatural and redemptive religion as affected by modern Science, Phi losophy and Criti cism. In this course we wi ll frankl y face the claims of so­ ca lled sc ient ifi c and hi storical methods that defi-

Twenty- e ight

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