



work, How to adve rti se t he work, H ow to ra ise money fo r the work T hese subj ects a re all t reated in a p racti cal way , lea rned by exper ience by one who has clone evangelistic work in every pa rt of the a lobe, ass;sted by other reli able a nd effi ­ cient evangeli sts. XI. Christian Psychology A cour se in Chr ist ia n Psychology is offered to the second a nd th:rd yea r students . In light of the wide and pr:ipul ar place that psychology holds in the thinking of our day . it is fe lt tha t a ll Chr isti a n wo rker s should have a wo rking knowl edge of this new sc ience from the Christ ia n po in t of Yiew. T hey should understand its unde r lying pr inciples in orde r to know how to apply t hem in the;r wo rk . \\ .hat is known as Applied P sychol­ ogy is wide ly used in all departments of the worl d"s work a nd there is no reason why it may not be employed wi th g reat effect in a ll k inds of Chr ist ian work. :\ l uch fa lse psyc hology is taught in our schoo ls a nd lite ra ture. and in the cou rses we offe r we encleani r to show the student how to coun teract thi s teaching by sett ing fo rth t ru e pr inciples of psychology in h;s wo rk . \\ ·e beli eve that the Bible supplies ma teri als fo r a rea l system of psychology whi ch can be satisfacto ril y co rrelated wi th the results o f genera l scientifi c resea rch. In these courses we conside r: l. T he na ture of ma n as a thinking, emot ional and ,-oli­ tional being . 2. T he place of re li gion a nd the nature of its inAuence upon th e life of ma n. 3. T he psyc hology of memory. consc ience. imag inat ion. fait h a nd fea r. -1-. T he nat ure. scope and sign ifica nce of co1wersion. J. The laws gove rning the growth of the normal Chri sti a n life . 6 . T he wisest ways of approach to men in persona l. group a nd mass wo rk. 7. T he use of psyc hology in t he defense of t he Ch r:st ia n fait h. 8. T he mystic li fe a nd the approach to Goel in wo rshi p. T hese a re a ll cons ide red from a B ibli cal a nd thoroughly pract ica l po int of v iew.

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