



FrnsT YEAR Same as Gene ra l and ::\ Ii ss ions Cour ses . C lass 111 C hri s­ t ian Educati on 1 two periods pe r \\·eek . SECOSD \"E.-\R Spec iali za ti on work in C hri stia n Education four pe ri od s pe r week. A lso Synthet ic Bible S tud ies . Homiletics. P hil os­ oph,· of the C hri st ia n Religion. Doct rin e and Church Histo ry . T111RD \ "EAR Specializati on wo rk in Chri st ian Ed ucat ion three periods pe r ,yeek. A lso minimum of 10 acl cliti ona l hour s from t he reg­ ul a r and e lectiYe st udi es of the thircl year: P sychology o f the Chri s tian Religion. Publi c Speaking . Practical Life Prob lems. Expos itory Studi es. O rigin a nd Philosophy of th e Chri stian R e li g io n. New Tes tament G reek. e tc.

DESCRI PTIOl\' O F S PECIA i, CHRf STIAN E DGCAT IOX C LASSES F l RS T YEAR- Two peri ocl s per week l s T S 1DrnSTER- lsT H.,r.r-

The teaching work of the church- its importa nce- its hi . - tory- its present co nditi on- it s fu ture prospects. Gene ra l . tucly of the pupil , based on \\ 'e ig le's book "The Pupil." 1 ST SE ~1 lcSTER- 2XD H A LF Re li g ious Pedagogy . Based on " The Teacher·' by \\' e ig le. a ncl "Jesus, the ::\faster T eache r' ' by }Torne. 2:-.:D SE\ ! ESTER- I ST H AL F Sto ry T ell ing . A course in sto ry tel ling enlarged a ncl ad apted to meet the need s of the Yari ous clepa r tment s of the Su nclay Sc hool. t he Church ; the :\fission Fielcl a nd th e }fome. 2xD SE,1 ESTE R- 2:-.:D H.,1.F Teaching Yalu es o f t he Bibl e . Bible knowl edge ga in ed in other courses of the school is he re brought in to the educati ona l realm, ancl put into fo rm for teachi ng .


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