




SECO:ND YEAR- F our per; ods per week "Trai11 11p a child acco rdi11 g to his zc,ay, a11d when he is old he M"f l 11 0/ depart fro m i t."

" If we would build and buil d to stay, \\'e mu st fi nd Goel and go Hi s way ."

1 ST SEl\ l ESTER Spec ia li zat ion work in the E lementary Division- Beg in­ ners. P rima ry and Juni or. A stud y of the characteri sti cs of the di ffe rent ages . with methods o f teaching based on these cha r­ acte ri sti cs . Thi s course includes obseryati on work in Sunday Schools. prac tice teaching under criti cism, and reYi ews of some o f the best books dealing wit h these departments. 21, 0 S E ,1 EST ER Speciaha ti on work in the Secondary Di vision- Inter­ med ia te. Seni or and Young P eople. A study of the ps>-chology of the earl y . middl e and later ad olescent peri ods with work as outlined abm·e fo r the E lementary Division.

T F--l [RD \"E AR- Th ree peri ods per week

1 ST SE:vt ESTER Squire's book "A P ari sh P rog ram of R elig ious Educa­ t ion," supplemented by the work o f the best authorit ies on the subj ect. Student s in th; s course a re requ ired to do a reasonable amount of r esearch work in study ing th e subj ects of organi za­ ti on, equ ipment, curriculum, prog ram, teacher tra ining, home relati ons, etc. 2r-; o SEMEST ER Outline and study cer ta in practi cal courses. e.g ..- a cour se in week-clay relig ious inst ructi on in case of rel eased time, t rain­ ing fo r D. Y. B. S . work. B iblical a nd extra -biblica l courses fo r th e adolescent age, such as- Steward ship. ~ fiss ions, Church H istory. H ymnology, etc. GlRL'S LEADERSHIP A n elec ti\·e course- two pe ri ods per week- offered fo r

2nd a nd 3rd yea r stud ent s. l sT SLvrE STER- l ST H A LF

A study of the li-ves of ce rtain 13 ;ble a nd pi onee r women . A study of leade r ship, includ ing qua lificat ions fo r leadership and some of the work of a lead er of g irl s.


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