




l s T SD1ESTER- 2:--;o HALF A study of the g irl herself based on such hooks a s "Girl­ hood a nd Cha racter " by l\foxcey; "\ \ .omanhood in the ;\[aking' ' by Eggleston ; "The Gir l in H er Teens' ' by Slattery, etc. 2ND SE:IIESTER-1 ST H ALF A study of the programs o f oro-a nizat ions working with iris; organ iza t ion under the Yarious denomi nati ona l Boards, th e Canad ia n Gi rl s in Train ing, Girl R esen ·es, Camp Fire. etc. 2xo SE:vrESTER- 2:-;o H ALF \Vorking out a practical program fo r g irl s based on the four-fold de1·elopment of th e physical. mental, social a nd spir­ itual lif e. STANDA RD TEACHER TRAINI NG COuRSE l N THE EVENI NG SCHOOL T he S tandard Teache r Tra in ing Course, approYed by th e Internati ona l Counc'l of Relig ious Education and the Denom­ inati ona l Boards, is being introduced in our Even;ng School. This offe rs a n opportunity for Sunday School Teachers and worker s with young people to get a thorough l_v sound. peda­ gog ical and practical course in teacher training . The class meets on F r ida,· at seYen o'clock. Four of the twe lve units of the S tanda rl Course will be completed each year. E ach un;t com­ pleted wi ll not only be g iYen · credit with ' us bu t with th e indi­ v idua l denominati on . At th e compl et ion of the tweh·e unit s, whether taken in our school or elsewhere. the stud ent rece i1·es, through his Denominational Board, the d iploma of the Cound of R elig ious Education . XV. The Use of the Blackboard In thi s class student s are carefull y trained in the use of the blackboa rd in setting forth Gospel truth. Every Bible teacher, and especially the workers in the Sunday-school. should be abl e to sketch off- hand maps or other illustrations that will get and hold the attention of the class . E laborate blackboard drawings are not attempted, but any stud ent with some natural g ift for drawi ng wi ll get sufficient tra ining in the fundamenta ls to develop the o- ift along co rrect li nes.


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