




The Engli sh Bible . The books of the Bible, t lwir classi­ fi cat ion, arrangement. the ·writers. ancient manu scr ipt s , ve r ­ sions, our E nglish Trans lat ions, the canon o f Scr iptur f. Tn sp ir:i­ t ion ._geography, t he tabernac le. temple and sy nagogu e and their se1_.v 1ces . Each book of the Bible ;s carefo lh · stud ied. the conten ts mastered, the book outlinecl h1· the Sy1i°thet ic met hocl. and the spir it ual lessons appli ed. - Theology . The G rea t Doct r ines of the Chri st ian Religion. an indu ct iYe stu ch · of the Bible it self . P er sonal E1·;ngelism. A stud y of the Yarious needs of dif­ fe rent classes o f men ancl women, saved and un saved. a nd of th e best passages of Sc r ipture to help th em to Chr; st and to t rn e Chr ist ian li Ying . O rig in a ncl De,·elopn1ent of the Chri st ian Relig·ion. a nd The P h il osophy of the Ch r ist ian R eli g ion . These courses aim to inte rpret Chri st :an itl· in its 1\'or lcl set­ t ing a nd to consid e r th e Yalidity of it s clai n; s in the light of phil osophy, sc ience and c r it icism . Con strncti1·ely this 11·il1 mea n a study of the Bible Ph il osoph1· of Religi on . Psychology . H omil et ics . A stud y of t he preparation and cleli1·en· of sermons and Bible Read ings . a nd practice in preaching 11~ the class room under the guidance of the t eacher . Chr istian Education . T he na ture and cl eYclopment of the ch il d, the choice and arrangement of teaching mat eri a l fo r the Ya r ious ages, the organ;zati on of the modern Sund ay School. the princ iples of teaching, practi ce in teaching . Practica l Church M usic . The proper rencl erin l.'· of the Gospel Hymns. hi story of Hymnology . Report I\Ieet ings. \Yeekly conf erence fo r repo r ts of Chri s t ia n work clone dur ing the preYious week. problems dis­ cussed, suggest ions made . XVII. Christian Service Medical Course F or many years special lectures haYe been g i1·en in First Aid. i1 ino r S urge ry . T rop ica l Diseases and Dentistry to g roups o f the L os Ange les Bible Inst itu te stud ents of the second Year who we re volu n teer s fo r se rvice in foreign land s. T hese lec­ tures were gi1·en one hou r per week. throughout the second semeste r , by physicians who und er stood t he needs in fo reign

Thir ty- nine

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