




mi ss ion land s, and because of th eir popu larity there . was an increa s'ng demancl fo r a fuller knowledge of essential and prac­ t ical medica l subject s, on t he part of those intencling to engage in foreign mi ss ion serYice. The L os Angeles Bible In stitute. in th e fall semester of 1926 dec ided to enlarge this course into a P os t-graduate third yea r with ten hour s per week in didacfc med ical subj ec ts, two hours of clinical in st ru ct ion ancl one hour each in Adnnced P s \·chology. E:--:po sitory Studies in the New T estament and P racti cal Lif e Probl ems . The mecl ica l subj ects are tauiz-l<it by phys icians of hi g· h pro­ fessiona l stanch1g. as spec iali st s in th e bra nches thry teach . These branches incl ude First A id and !\1inor Sm ge ry, Anatomy a ncl Phrsiology, Di seases of th e Eve . E a r. Xose and Throat. Obstetrics. "h{eon · and Practice o·f ;-Z ur sing . Skin Diseases. :\fateria '.\leclica, Constituti onal Diseases, Dise:tses of th e H ea r t ancl l .ungs. Diseases of the :-Jen·ous System. Tropical :\ l ed;cine and Dietet ics. Through th e courtesy of Supt . Dr. :-Z iel \\·oocl of t he Los A ngeles Ceneral H osp ital. th e out- pati ent di spensary a ncl Yaried clini cs of this g reat inst ituti on haw been pened to our stu cl ent s. There is no hospita l wes t of Chi cago t hat offe rs such un surnassed opportunitie s for ch1ical stud y . T he A nita 13a ldwin Clinic fo r chi ldren in connect ion with t lw C;:i li­ fo rnia L uth eran H ospital ha s g iyen splendid acl \·a ntage in t he study of Chi lclren 's Di seases . Clini cal O bstet ri cs ;s arranged fo r groups of two among th e city poor . The present med ica l course has been planned a ncl is super­ Yised ll\· a med ical missionan· of twent\·-two yea rs se n·i ce, who full y l;nclerstancls th e heami needs a1{1ong th e natiYe pormla­ tinns to be met by fo reign mi ss ionari es, as we ll as the problems of H _\·giene and Sani tat;on and conse n ·at ion of personal health . Grad uates of the Bible Institute of L os Ange les who haYe completed a full two \ ears course of stucly. or accredited stu­ dents of ot her Bible In st itutes of e(lual sta nding. Theolog ical Seminari es ancl Coll eges , who plan for m iss ionary se n ·icr in fo reign land s , are admissable to the course . I n no case is it the intent'on to g raduate doctors of med icine, but to prepare these student s to commend the Gospe l of our l .orcl J esus Ch r ist in meeting the physical needs wh en no regul a r ph\·s ician is in attendance. Al\ATO"\ I Y A:'-:D P11YSIOLOG\' First a ncl Second Semes ter , two hour s pe r week. H. \ V. lfoycl. :\f.D . The te:--:t book. " Anatom\· and Physiology.' ' by


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