




l( imber and Gray. Being a basic study and lay ing fo undati ons for a more compl ete knowl edge of the huma n body, thi s course is ex tend ed throughout the yea r . Skel etons and manikin s are used to illustrate the subject s taugh t . Plans are being made to visit t he di ssecting rooms of the nearby medical schools . OBSTETRICS First emester , one hour per wek. Doug las \\ ·. ~Iac i\Iil ­ lan , M .D . Anatomy of t he pelvi s; Anatomy and phys iology of femal e reprodu ct iYe organ s ; S ign s, symptoms and di agnos is of pregnancy ; Ai lments of pregnan cy ; Norma l and abnormal delivery ; P uerpera l ca re ; Ca re of the newborn child; Obstetr­ ica l operati ons ; forceps, ver sion extracti on, Caesarean secti on, pubi otomy . perinea] tear, etc. The manage111 ent of normal obstet ri cal cases is arranged for by having the stud ent s in g roups of two an swer out call s under the supen·ision of member s of the 111 edi cal faculty. S KT K DISEASES First Semester . one hour per week. H. \\ ' . Boyd. :'lf.D. T ext Book. "Skin Di seases," by Scharnberg . T hi s course covers th e usual skin les ions found a t home and ab roa d. The primary les ions as papu les . yes;cl es . pustul es, whea ls, scales , etc., and secondary les ions as exco riat ion. cru sts. etc ., a re demonst rated in cl inics and by dermach rome pla tes . E rythema s. Impeti go Contag iosa, Eczemas . Scabi es ( itch ) P sor isis, Tineas, Syphi liderm les ions. Lepra , Small Pox, l~pi­ thcli oma and Exanthemata are demonstrated a t the Clini c of the Los Angeles Genera l H ospi ta l. Dr ETETT CS F irst and Second Semester , one hour per week. Grace H. Todd. The purpose of thi s course is to g iYe to t he student such information regardi ng foods as will enabl e him to choose wisely fo r himsel f a nd to be of service in guiding oth ers. The course incl udes a -tudy of the compos iti on of foods , their nu t ritive value, combinati ons. preparati ons and purcha se of the da ily food requirement of chil dren a nd adul ts ; of the processes of diges­ ti on, causes of malnutr;ti on, a nd health problems as they are related to di et.


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