



TROP l CAI, DISEASES Second Semester , one hour per week. H. \\'. Boyd, :'.\ I.D. The text-book is l\ fan son's " Tropical Di seases ." The course includes th e cause . symptoms and trea tment of the com­ mon trop ica l di seases as cholera. dy sentery, malari a. plague, Yell owfeye r, hook worm diseases, leprosy, etc . Dr. Boyd, who liYed fo r twenty-two yea rs in South China and S iam. is pecul­ ia r ly fi tted. from actual experience in the treatment of th ese diseases, to g iYe these lectures.

DEXTJSTRY Second Semester , one hour per week.

T he genera l anatomy of the upper and lower jaw . with pathological cond iti ons of the gums and teet h a re full y ex­ pla ined. The hygiene of the mouth is emphas ized. The extrac­ tion and simple fi lh1g of teeth is taught.

THE CARE A~D Fu:D1Kr. OF C nJLDRE;-.; Second Semester, one hour per week . B. G. Pinkerton, B.A.r-T.D.

T ext book. "Diseases of Children" by H all. Ca re and feed­ ing of t he new born. is taught wi th ca re ful check on increase in weight and genera l development. The di seases of childhood such as Malnutr it ion, Ri ckets. Diarrhoea and Exanthemata, etc ., a re folly coYered in these lectures .

CoKSTITUTIOKAr. D rSEASES First and Second Semeste r, one hour per week. J oseph J acobs, :'.\ 1.D.

First Semes ter- Influenza, Stomatitis, Acute and Chroni c Catarrhal Gastrit is, Gastr ic Ulcer s, Ca rcinoma of th e stomach, Di seases of th e L iYe r and Intest ines, Rheumatic Fe1·e r, Typhoid feye r. Second Semes ter- Diabeti s. Add ison Di sease . Scurvy, H emophilia, A nemia, Chloros is, T ubercul os is, Leukemi a . C 1, 1K I CA L \\ ' OR K One assignment per week is made to attend the fo llowing clini cs : Los Angeles Genera l H ospital. The Anita Baldwin Cli nic fo r Children and a spec;al Ea r , Eye . Nose and Throat Clinic. Through the courtesy of one of the med ical facu lty,


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