



l\lo re ach·anced students take up the study of organ son­ atas, concertos and other compos it ions by Mendelssohn, Guil­ mant, Rhe inberge r, \ Vidor and other s. 5. H ARMONY The course in Ha rmony and Compos it ion gives the student a thorough and practi cal knowledge of chord s and their r ela­ t ion, Yo ice lead ing, practice in ha rrnon; zat ion of g iven melodies, and leads to or ig inal work and the wri t ing of Gospel songs and other composit ions. Th; s wo rk coYers two semesters. 6. EAR TRA I N I NG T hi s course directs the student to th ink tonality and to di crim;nate, t hrough the ear , the di ffe rent harmoni es . Chord and melody cl ictati on is g ive n and g rea t st ress is placed on the outstanding ha rmoni c resoluti ons, modul ati on and chromatic a lte rations. 7. CONDUCTI NG Students a re g iven thorough instru cti on in all va riet ies of rhythm and the best way of bea ting t ime fo r each- both with and w ithout the baton. Each student appea rs before the class from t i111e to t i111e as a conductor and under the guidance and criti cism of the instructor ga ins actual experi ence in conducting a choir and congregati on. 8. NORMAL TRA I N I NG Stud ents a re inst ructed in pedagogical principl es as applied to mu sic. and g iYen actual experi ence before the class in teach­ ing the facts of mu sic Theo ry, Nota t ion and Ha r111ony. T hi<; subject req uires two semest ers to co111 plete it. 9. \ 'IOU N AND ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS An expe r ienced violi nist giYes instructi on in thi s important inst ru111 ent, us ing the best 111odern methods. E x pe rt instru cti on is also p rm· idecl fo r those des iring instructi on on the cornet , t romb ne and other band and orches tral instruments. The Men's Glee Club The :.\ len ·s Glee Club was organi zed ten years ago and includ es in its _.\ lu111ni many men in all parts of the world who


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