



The Three Year Course \Ye feel increasingly that certain classes of stud ents attend­ ing the Institute should be g iven opportunity to pursue their studies beyond what is possible in the two yea r course. Many of our graduates who have been called to positions of responsi­ bility in the different denominations haYe felt the need fo r a fuller preparation. \ Vith this in mind a third year has been added to the curriculum. I t seeks to provide a course that enables those looking towards leadership in Christian education and as Pastor s' Ass istant s, in Sunday School and Young Peo­ ple's work a knowledge Fi rst, of Chri stian psychology. The idea of thi s part of the course is to give them an und er standing of child nature and the d ifferent ways in which people of different temperaments may be app roached, and an in sight into the laws that govern the actiYities of groups and the reactions of cong regat ions. Second, of t he intell ectua l difficult ies with which young people a re confronted in our clay so that they may effect ively meet them and be able to lead the young people to an intelligent understanding of a Chr ist ian view of God and the Bibl e and man's place in the world. \ Ve find among th e stud en ts many who prove to have ma rked talents along the lines of preaching and pastoral work. \i\TheneYer poss ible we advise those who can do so, to take work in evange li ca l theological semina r ies connected with the denomi­ nation of which they happen to be members, but in cases where they are not able to do this (and there are many such cases) we encleaYor to g ive them a furth er knowledge of New Testa­ ment Greek, homiletics, theology, church hi sto1-y and philosophy of relig ion, and advanced work in Bible study and exegesis. The work in psychology also has thi s class of students in mind a nd a ims to he pract ica l in its hea rings upon the eyc ry -clay probl ems wl1ich confront a pasto r in the work of a church. Much of this work is taught by men who have had large exper ience in pastoral work. It is more than the teaching of mere theories conce rning these things- it is the etting forth of principles that have been tri ed out and found successfu l in the actual work of th e pas torate. The course also has in mind mini sters who have had a full theolog ical course but fee l the need of a fu ller and more prac­ t ical knowledge of the English B ible and practical Chri stian work


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