



over, there are men and women whose E ngli sh educat ion is ve ry deficient , but who have certa in gifts that quali fy them fo r many fo rms of Chri st ian work, and they a re often used to larger effecti veness t han men and women who have had a thorough college educati on . Mr . Moody himself , was not an educa ted man from the scholasti c stand poin t, but he was used as no other man of hi s generat ion. T herefore it is the poli cy of the Inst itute to r ece;ve men and women of thi s type. These cases. however, a re excepti onal, and wherever one is young enough to get a good common g rammar school and hi gh school educa ti or; befor e coming, it is des irabl e that they do so . , 1 thoro ugh col­ lege course, is des ira.ble w hen age permits . l\1any of our stu­ dent s a re uni\' ersity g radua tes . Some of t hose whose t ra ining ha s been ve ry imperf ectj before taking the course at the Insti ­ tute, ga in a w ry thorough working knowledge of the E ng li sh language while here. A ll applicants fo r admi ss ion to the Institute mu st be of good Chri st ian cha racter, and mu st have had at least one yea r of Chri st ian experi ence . T hey should have a genui ne love fo r soul s, proven by actual experi ence in winni ng souls t o Chri st . They mu st be willing to do hard work, and submi t to d;scipline and order. Student s a re accepted only on t rial fo r the fir st month. and if fo r any reason they a re found unadapted fo r Chri sti an work, they may be asked to withdraw at the cl ose of the fir st month. Immed iately upon a rr ival at t he Inst itute, men should report to the Superin tendent of Men, and women to the Super­ intendent of \i\!omen. The bes t t ime to enter the Insti tute is at the begi nn ing of the sc hool yea r in Septembe r . See Cal enda r. page 9 How­ ever , one may ente r pro fitabl y at any t ime. Prospecti \'e students who a re unde r the required age, or who fo r any other reason are delayed in entering the Inst itute, are advised to commence a preparatory study of the Bible in advance, along Institute lines . To a id them in do ing thi s, the Co rrespondence Courses of the Inst itute a re recommended . (See pages 76-80) Appli cants fo r entrance to the I nstitute a re recommended to subscribe fo r T he K ing's Business, which is publi shed monthly by the Institute, wh; ch wi ll br ing them cont inually in touch with the li fe and work of the Inst itute.


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