




The rooms in th e Insti tute a re single rooms. com fo rtabl y furni shed, lighted , heated and suppli ed with running water , hot and cold. The Jn stitute supplies the linens a nd launders the same. S tud ent s take care of their rooms. Exce ll ent table board is prm·ided in the Institu te dining room, a sect ion of which is se t apart for th e stud ent body and the Superintend ent s . T he st udents wait on th e tabl es . The present rate for room and board is $8.50 a week. payable in advance . Owi ng to the uncertain !llarket condition s, th is rate lllay haYe to be adva nced . It is hoped that it lllay be poss;bl e to lower it . Prospec tive . tud enl s should inquire fur­ ther about thi s when sending in their appli cations, or befor e cornpl eting the ir plan s fo r corning. The Inst itute a ims t o charge student s only the actual cost for room and boa rd. Employment and Financial Aid It is o ft entimes poss ible for student s, especiall y men stu­ dents, to llnd secular elllpl oyrnent fo r two or three hours a clay. or even more, by which to suppl ement th eir fund s, although no guarant ee of such elllpl oyment can be g iYen. Thi s empl oy ­ ment may be about th e bu ilch1g, or it !llay be in stores or res­ taurants, or in other fo rms of occupati on out side the In stitute. A few stud ents find work in the way of teaching . or as church assista nts, or conducting choirs or sing ing in choirs . or as pas­ tors ' a ss ista nt s , etc. H owc, ·e r. a s a rul e the men a nd ' "omen who work their way through th e Jn stitute a rc a t a d isadvan­ tage, and it is not advi sed. except where a bsolutely necessary. No one should enter without sufll cient fund s to ea rn· t helll through at lea st one semester. and it is better fo r the1;1 to be prov ided fo r th e full cos t o f their boa rd and room for the con­ templated peri od o f their stay. \\ ·e woli ld sugges t to those who haYe not suf11c ient fund s to carry them th rough the school yea r that th ey endearn r ( 1) to interes t their home church in unde rtaking th eir suppo rt a s a hollle mi ss ionary . Inasmuch as a ll of the stud ents a re required to engage in practica l Ch ri st; a n work in connecti on wi th their studi es, thev are. in fact . real home mi ss ionari es . ('.2) In te rest the J\ fi ss io1~a1T Society, or Young P eople' s Soc iety, or Sunday School, of your chu rch in the matter of your suppor t. ( 3) In­ teres t sollle fri end who would like to make a n i1wes tment fo r the Lo rd by ass isti ng you in your preparation fo r Chri st ian work.


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