





On their graduation, the Institute is pleased to do what it can to place students per111anently in Chri stian work, but it does not gua rantee work to a ny one on leaving the Institute. Men and wo111en willing to do any work that the Lord call s them to clo, and who have g raduated a t the Institute u sually find the special place o f se n ,:ce that t he Lord ha s for the111 , without much di ffi culty.

Classification of Students

S tucle nts a re class ified as fo ll ows :

1. Regul ar Stud ents. Those who take the full work in a ny course. 2. Special Stud ents. Those who cannot take the full work of any of t he courses for reasons which are sati sfacto ry to the Facul ty . The minimum work of a spec ial stucl ent is fi ve Bible classes a ,veek, and one ass ignment. Spec ial stucl ent s living in the bui lch1g pay an increa sed rate fo r room a nd board of twenty per cent. They are required to take th e examinat ions on the subjects fo r which they a re enrolled , the sa111e a s the regul a r stuclen ts. · 3. Post-G raduat e Students. Those who hav ing co111pleted the two Yea rs' course of the Inst itute wi sh to rema in for further work. ~-\ II the priYileges of the regul a r stud ent. a re gra nted them. T heir class room work a nd a ss ignments a re arranged in conference with the Secreta ry of the Faculty. ..J. . :'II issionari es on Furlough. Special arrangement s are macl e fo r the accommoclat;on a nd stud ies of home a nd for eign mi ss iona r ies on fur lough. Such should write to the Inst itute for fur ther in fo rmati on. They are warmly welcomed. Vacations The regul ar classes of the Inst itu te a re not in sess ion dur­ ing Jul y, August , a nd pa rt of September , though special lec­ tures a re giyen from t i111e to t ime during those 111onths. There is a recess at Chri stmas and another at Easter, vary­ ing iru111 ten clays to two ·weeks. (See Ca lencla r. page 8 ).

Sixty -four

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