



The Evening School

What it is. That department of the Bibl e Inst itute of Los Angeles holding evening classes in Bible study, Gospel Music, and Method s of Christian work. For Whom Intended. For ea rnest, consecra ted 111en and wo111en e111ployed in business or otherwise engaged during the day, willing to study evenings to secure thorough equ;prnent for intelligent , aggres­ sive Chri stian work; fo r superintendent s and teachers of Sun­ day Schools who reali ze their need of a better knowledge o f the B ibl e and methods of Chri stian work; fo r young men and women des iring to devote some spare time to city 111i ss ion work; for young people look ing fo rward to work in the ho111e or for­ eign 111i ss;on fi eld, who cannot attend the day school of the Institute; for every Chri sti a n 111an and wo111an wish ing a more thorough a nd sys temati c knowledge of the "\\'ord of God. The Full Course. The full course necessary to qualify fo r a diploma cover, three year's work. Bible and Music Classes are held on l\Ionday , Thursday and Friday. For periods and subj ects see pages 70-7-1-. During th e summer month s studi es are ca rri ed on by co r­ respondence. Terms. There are fo nr te rms in 1 each year as fo ll ows: Fall T erm, the last Monday in September to the Second Thursday in December , 12 weeks. Winter Term, the fir st Monday in January to the fourth Thursday in March, 12 weeks. Spring Term, the fir st Monday in April to the last Thurs­ day in June, 12 weeks. Summer T erm, the fir st Monday of J uly to the third week of September, 12 weeks.

Sixty-seve n

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