




Place of Meeting. Sessions are held 111 the B;ble Institute bui lding. When to Begin. Students may enter at any time ; but the beginning of one of the Terms is a better t ime to enter than in the middle of a Term, and at the beginning of the Fall Term is better still. Expenses. A nominal fee of one dollar a term is charged for Regi s­ t ration. This mu st accompany app li cat ion for membership. T here 1re no tuition fees, except fo r private lessons in 111US IC. F or pri vate , ·ocal lessons or piano lessons, students are Cred its in the Day School fo r work cl one in the Evening School wi ll be awa rded in acco rdance with the proportion of the subj ect covered in any pa rti cula r course of study consid­ ered in its relati on to tha t study in the Day School. 1st. The minimum length of res idence in th e d;w school ior g rad uation is one school yea r of two semes ters. 2nd. The minimum work clone in the Evening School for graduati on after one yea r· s residence in the clay school is five te rms' work. That is , all the Evening School examinati ons of these five te rms to be passed with a g rad e of at least 75 per cent. 3rd. In the case of a stud ent who has had less than fiye te rms of work in the Evening School, credit will be g iven in !he dav school cour se fo r each subj ect in whi ch t he studen t has passed in the Enning School wit h a grade of at leasl 75 per cent. T his wi ll excuse the eYening school stud ent fr om taking the clay school examinat ions in that subject. and may excuse the student from attencfo1g the class also . The la tter to be left to the disc ret ion of the teacher of the subj ect. Admission. Intendi ng student s should apply either pe rsonally or by mail , for an Appli cat ion fo r Admi ss ion form, and after filling it return it at once with the Registration Fee to THE SECRETARY OF THE EVENING SCHOOL, BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. given a special rate of one do lla r per lesson. Relation to the Day School of the Institute.


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