



Correspondence School Instruction by co rrespondence long since ceased to be an experiment and took a we ll -earned place as a dul y accred ited method of education. If it lacks the personal touch of th~ class-room, it has some advantages that the class-room does not have . It intens ifies originali ty, gives more time for con­ siderat ion, and increases determinati on. T he Bible Institute of Los Angeles offers to men and women who are providentia ll y hindered from attending the Bible I nsti tute, several ve ry prnctical courses to be taken by correspondence. All are designed with the thought of c!riving the student to the \ Vorel of God itself, and causi ng him to work out for himself the Scr ipture teachings. They are not cour ses of read ing . T hey are tools with whi ch to work. Each course is printed in loose- leaf fo rm, punched for binder, and a substant-ial binder wi ll be furnished at small cost. Questions, with Scripture references to supply the answers, are frequently employed . Statements a re partly fo rmulated , leav­ ing the student to complete them. Other methods a re used to promote originali ty in the student. The Registration Cost The registration fee includes all instruction papers. Cou rses cannot be sent unti l regist rati on fee is received . U ni ­ fo rm examinat ion paper fo r answer ing quest ions wi ll be sup­ pli ed at the ra te of 25 cents per 50 sheets, postpa id. P rinted chapte r summa ry blank s fo r Courses 3 and 7, 30 cents per 50, postpa id. Loose- leaf binde r fo r lesson sheets, 75 cents, postpaid. Examination paper is required fo r all courses except No. 2. Students also required to furni sh postage for the retu rn of the ir lessons . Time for Completing Course Two years is the time allowed fo r complet ion of any one course, but they may be completed in much shorter time . Regula r progress is des ired, and if fo r any reason progress cannot be made. the student is asked to inform the secretary. Arrangements can be made fo:· extend ing t he time limit , where conditions necessitate such.

Seve nty-six

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