



D liscontinuance of Studies Regist rati on fees a re not returned to students discon­ tinuing any of the courses. A student may not transfer from one course to another af ter some work has been reported on a course. ·when a course ha s been a llowed to lapse, and the student has not responded to inquiri es, hi s name is d ropped from the li st of reo-ul a rly enrolled students, but may be reinst ated by pay ing an addi t ional f ee of 50 cents . If a student is dropping t he studi es , and wishes to receive the bal­ ance of paper s fo r reference, he should not ify the secretary and request the fo rwarding of a ll paper . Privileges Offered T he secreta ry wi ll answer reasonabl e questi ons related to the lessons, and will be glad to adv ise the student or help in any way at any t ime, so fa r as poss ible. Credit Allowed on Institute Work Co rrespondence students who wi ·h to enter t he Bible Insti tute late r may arrange to receiYe some cred it on completed courses one, three and seyen. Fundamental Doc tr ines of Chri s­ t iani ty, Through the Oki Testament and New T es tament by Book and Chapter s, by con fe rring with the Secreta ry of the Facult v of the Institu te . Certificate on Completion A Bibl e Institute certifi cate is presented when a course is success full y completed. A student who wi shes to take the stud ies without examinat ions, may do so by fo rf eiting the right to receive a certifi cate. Enrollment Appli cati on shoul d be made on the regular applicati on blank whi ch the secreta ry will supply, and accompani ed by the remittance in fu ll. Make money orders payabl e to Bible Insti ­ tute of Los Angeles.


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