

The Courses Offered Course No. I

FUNDAJ\IENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIAN­ ITY, Dr. R. A. Torrey, Instructor. Price $5. ( Engli sh 1£7s.. includi ng all postage.) Thorough top ical study of the g rea1 ~loctrines of Scr ipture, such as the Inspiration of the Scriptures Goel, Chri st, Holy Spirit, Satan, etc . The student fills in por­ tions of the study sheets, and when t he papers a re subn1ittecl compa ri son work is returned, by which the student can juclgf hi s work and get further help before taking examinat ions. Can be completed in one year . Course No. 2 TUDIES IN THE GOSPELS, Rev . Ke ith L. Brooks In st ructor. Price $5 . (Engli sh 1£7s., including potage.) A ve rse by ve rse stud y o [ ::\Iatthew and J ohn involvi ng compari ­ sons with l\ra rk and Luke. Chri st's K;ngdom teachings are ill uminated by clea r notes by ;,Ir. Brooks in which Scriptur r­ ref erences a rc always used for proof. A fasc inati ng way t c take li p the study of the li fe and teachings of the Sav ior. The stlldent is required to fill in blank spaces in lesson sheets a nd submit the work. The studi es a re well adapted fo r class work Course No. 3 THROUGH THE OLD TESTAl\'rENT BY BOOK~ AND CHAPTERS, ReY. John I-I. Hunter , In structor. Pricf $3 . (Engli sh 18s., including all postage.) Thi s is the chapter summary method of study . The student reads each chapter wor king out the required points on each, and recording in blanks provided . T hi s is submitted for cor rection, and com· pari son work by i\I r. Hunter accompani es t he papers on their return to the student . Int roductory studi es to each book of the Old Testament are given. Can be ,completecl in one year. See Course No . 7 TI-IROCGI-I THE 1 E\V TESTA l\rE:NT, etc. Course No. 4 PERSONAL E\"ANGEU SM AN D PRACTICA i. \\"ORK, Rev. T . C. Horton , Instructor . Pr ice $3 .50. (Engbh 18 shillings, including postage.) Includes a brief doctr inal course and giYes pract ica l and Scr iptura l methods of dealing with the

Seven t y-eight

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