

unsaved of all cl asses, as well as fo llowers of the various cults. Suggestions fo r conduct of va ri ous kinds of religious se rvices, organ izat ions and direct ion of Bibl e Classes, colportage and other practical Chri st ian work. Course No. 5 THROUGH THE BIBLE I N ONE YEAR, Rev. W. H. Pike, Instructor. Price $3 . (Engli sh 18s .. including a ll post­ age.) Follows the telescopic method. giving one a bird's-eye view of each book of the Bible. Examinati ons of a simple character are given upon groups of about fiye books at a time. Gives one a fine general idea of the Bible. F if ty lessons, one a week . Course No. 6 BIBLE BEGINNERS' COURSE, Rev. Keith L. Brook~. Instructor. Price $2 . (Engli sh l 2s .. including a ll postage .) A series of vital studi es especially for the Chri stians, taking up some of the rndiment:try truths of the Christi an faith. Arranged so as to develop or 'ginali ty in the student and create a deeper interest in Bibl e stud y. \\' e recommend this to all who haYe had no previous training, a!though it wi ll be found very st imulati ng to Chri stian s genera ll y. Can be completed eas ih­ in a few month s. Course No. 7 THROUGH THE NEW TESTAl\fENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS, Rev . T ohn H . Hunter , Instructor . Price $3. (English I 8s., including all postage .) Same as Course No. 3, but in the New Testament . Can be completed in one year Special Supplemental Course for $1.00 This unique course prepared by Mr s. Ke ith L. Brooks fo r those of Junior and Intermed iate age. will be found most refreshing even to mat ure bel ievers. It is invaluable to Sunday School workers as it offer s a valuabl e coll ect ion of supplemental material fo r use w;th young people . used with great success by Mrs. Brooks, a specialist with children. As a means of inter­ esting young believers in Bible Study, we have never seen its equa l. VI e correct the students' work and place the Institute stamp upon a finished course. but do not give the regul ar Insti­ tute cert ifi cate.


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