

Biola Hall O ur City l\fi ss ion at -1-2 1 South i\fa in St ree t is admira bl y located fo r the work which is being condu cted there. Thou­ sand s of men pass its doo rs. cl ay a nd ni ght . The Hall is li ght, cheery , and well equ;ppecl for defin ite, persona l. evangeli st ic work. i\leetings a re held in the entrance of the hall, which is so arranged t hat at lea st fifty men can ga ther from the street , without interf erring with the traffi c anc! on our own premi ses . An audience can he secured in fiy e min ­ utes at any time of the clay or ni ght. thu s pro\· icling the best place fo r per sonal work we have ever had . '\fumbers of men are brought to Chri st each clay . ln connecti on with thi s work. a noon-clay prayer meeting is helcl. ancl a l\1 en' s Bibl e Class on S unday afte rnoon. The hundred s of young men who are coming to the cit\· affo rcl us an unu sual opportunity of reaching them at the cru ­ cial t ime. Thi s is a real tra i11i11 g scltool fo r the practi cal work of lea rning how to preach by preaching.

· The Fishermen's Club (See Page 57)

O n :'llonday eYening, April 16. 1906. a little group of se\·enteen young men gathe red togethe r to study the Bibl e. and to engage in personal work. Li nd e r the leadership of l{e\·. T. C. H ort on a sys temati c and inspirat iona l study of t he Bible was begun. A f ew month s pa ssecl ancl the class g rew in numbers. until in the summe r of 1906 it was orga ni zed uncl er the name of th e " F ishe rmen 's Club." (See :\1atthew -1- :1 9) and now ha s an attendance of between two and th ree hundrecl. There ha s been stri ct ad herence to th e pr incipl e o f st ri\·ing fo r a s;ngle obj ect, Yi z.. th e study of Gocl's \\ .ore! , and the doing of actiYe. aggres­ siYe personal work for the l,o rd J esus Chri st. 1n these eighteen yea rs . more t han one hundrecl men ha \·e go ne out from the Club into definite Chri sti a n work . some as mi ss iona ri es in fore ia n fi eld s. unde r the \'a r ;ous eYangel ical denominations,-one a medi cal mi ss ionan·. Thev are found in China. J apan. S iam. Afr ica and Centrnf and s·outh America. a s well as in man y field s in our own lancl.

Eighty - thr ee

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