

The King's Business

Thi s magazine is 1 the oAlcial organ o f th e Institute. 1t i<; ;ssued month ly . a nd ha s lately been enlarged and improved. ha ,·ing add ed to its list of cont ributor s a number of th e best known writers in thi s a nd other countri es . ] ts editori a ls a re ahrnys fra nk. fea r less and timely . Tt~ contributed arti cles cm·e r a wi de range of subj ec ts a nd rmg tru e tu th e fund amental s of our fa ith. A spec ia l feature of the maga zine 1s its unclay School Depa rtment , conta;ning helps fo r teacher s fo r both the regul a r Inte rnati onal ser;es a nd t he \\" hole Bibl e Sunday School l .es -· son Course (as arranged by the \\"or kl' s Fundamenta l Assoc i<1 - ti on ) . O th er helpfu l depar tment s o f- th e magaz ine a re the Y oun g P eopl e 's Depa r tment. with suggesti ons in conn ec ti on with th '.: ,,·eekl y E ndearnr topi cs; th e Da ily DeYoti onal R ead ings a nd Praye r Suggest ions ; the Chil d ren 's P age; inte rest ing stori es from the eva ngeht ic worke rs o f t he · Inst itute. includ ing the wo rk of the Hunan Bibl e In st it ute ( in China) ; Current Com- 11 1ent a nd man y ot her f ea tu res of interes t to the ·Lord 's peo ple. Stud ents des ir ing to ea rn money with which to meet pa r l· of t heir expenses whil e a t t he In stitute may do so by takin g subscr iptions for T he K ing 's Bus iness . Full pa rti cu la r s of th e pla n may be obta ined by add ress ing the Ci rcul a ti on Depa r tment of the T, ing ·s l'usi ness . 536-558 S. Hope Street . 1-os A nge les . Ca lif orni a .

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