



The Annuity Plan An n11ity bonds are a form of im·est111 ent rapidly ri sing in fa\·or. They are hi g hly com111encl ecl by financial aclvisor s . ancl iss11ed as a111ong the ir cl esi rab le propos ition s by the leacling- 111 s11rance co111pan1es. An a nnuity hone! is a g11arantee to the ann uitant o f a fixed income , proport ioned to the amount of the bond ancl the expec­ tation. or probable remaind e r of lif e at the ti 111 e o f purchas<'. a nd Yaries from -V { to 10 ';/ . or mor e acco rcling t o age.

Advantages of Our Annuities

The in\' estn1e n1: is beyond t he r isk of specu lation and the Yiciss it11cles of trad e ancl commerce. The income is not subj ect to Auct11at; on. or poss ibl_\·, anni­ hilati on. The in vestmen1· is pe rmanent , ancl past the wo rry and haza r cl of re-i1wes tment , with inc iclenta l loss of interest. The fund wi ll 11 lti111ate ly pass into the L o rcl' s treasur:·· a nd be 11 secl to promote th e spread o f the Gospe l " till H e come." The legacy will be the gif t o f· a li,·i11g rathe r tha n a drad hancl. The re w il l be no cos ts for l't igation. o r ad mini stration. and no a lienation o f the gift f rom the in tention o f the g i\·e r. The pe rcentage o f ann11iti es . with pe r sons pa st middl e life , cons id e ra bly exceed orclinary rates o f inte r es t or di\·id ends. F 11ll particu lar s 11pon application to the S11per;ntendent .


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