
BIBLE INSTITUTE OF ANGELE3 ======~ -=================~ LO 5

Thi s cit,· 1s not onl y a place of unparalleled ach ·antages fo r the stuch· ot the \\ .ord of Goel. hu t also for the u se of the \\.ore! ;n sil\·in.l!: men. while it is bei ng stucli ecl . Students will fin d here a n oppor tunity to work among people of E uropea n nati ons. and a lso among the Spani sh speakin,-'.' people o f :'l lex ico. Central and South Amer ica . a nd amon,_!' l,ureans. Chinese. .Japanese a nd Hincl oos . ".\o other city oi iers such oppor tuniti es for preparation fo r \\·o rk in fore ign lands . 3. The third ach·antage is founcl in the huil cl ;ngs ;rnd equ ipment . The Bible In st itute has two dormitories . one for men and one for women . Each of these buildings is f ifteen stori es high. including basement and sub-ba sement. and abso­ lu teh· ii re-proof . There are OYe r 600 rooms. with hot and cold water. ,team heat, ancl elect ri c l;ght in eYe ry room. There a re also shower and tub bath s on each fl oo r. and ma ny other con­ ven iences in connection with the rooms . ft has also an auclito rium building with a main a udi to rium accommodat ing over -+000 people. and small er lecture rooms for the diffe rent classes . These lecture rooms can be thro,vn together and accommoclate OYe r l 000 people. The re is a lso a large library and reading room for quiet study (see page ) a nd also assembl y rooms . There are three roof gardens. one on each liui lcl; ng . These bui ldings are located 111 the Yery heart of the business ancl hotel sect ion of Los A ngeles . They acljoin 1m­ mediatel_,. upon the ground whi ch has been purchased by the city for its public library . aud ito rium ancl other cit:, bui ldings. They are with;n a stone 's throw of the Biltmore Hotel , and on ly one block from the largest reta il sto re in the city . They are also \\'ithin easy reach of a ll lines of st ree t cars . radiating to all parts of the city ancl running ou t sixty or seYenty mil es into the cou ntry . Some of t he most important lines of both st reet ca r sys tems run within a quarter o f a block of the build­ ings. and tr2. nsfer s ca n be had from them to a ll other lines in the cit,· . -1- . The next advan tage is found in the accessibility of the publi c library, (which is t he largest library west of Chi cago) and other bu ildings of an ed ucational characte r whi ch are ope n to the publi c. The library is to be loca ted immediately adjacent to t he Institute buildi ng, and a t the p resent time is onh· a few minutes wa lk away.


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