



For Whom Intended The object of the Inst itute . stated in general te rms, is to tra;n men a nd women in the thorough knowledge a nd effective practical u se of t he Engl ish Dible, and it is the refore intended fo r a ll men and women who ,vish to get the most thorough knowledge possible of the \\"ore! of Goel and to use it in any form of Ch ri st ian activit\· . There are, howeve r ," spec ial cla sses of men and women , to meet whose need t he Bible Institute is especiall y adapted : 1. J\ 1en who are ca ll ed of Goel into the m;ni stry of His \\ .o re!. I t was not t he intenti on o f ".II r. '.\roocly when he found ed the fir.;t Bible Tnstitute in this countn·, to train men fo r th e pastorate. but after a few yea r s' experience it was fo und that very many of its g raduates did find t heir way, soo ner or later, into the pastorate. The cour se of training g iYen in t he Inst itute is not planned to suppla nt tha t of t he theo logical sem;na ry in preparing men fo r the min ist ry; bu t fo r mor e than a quarter of a century men who have taken this course haYe proved its worth in pastorates a t home and in the mi ss ion f ields abroad, where they haYe made, a nd are making splenclicl r eco rcl s as her a lds of the Gospe l and winne r s of men fo r Chri st. Thi s cour se is compl eted in three yea rs . (See page fo r details.) 2 . G raduates of coll eges and theological seminari es ·who des ire t o supplement the knowleclge obta ined in coll ege and ~eminary by a mo re t horough study of the Engli sh B ;bl e, prac­ tical methods of aggress i\·e Ch ri st ia n work. and the most effec tiYe met hods of teaching the Bible. 3. :'1 en and women who are planning to go to the fo r­ e ig n mi ssion f ield. J\To re than seven hund red men a nd women ,1·ho haYe heen trained under the presen t teache r s of th e Bible Institute of Los A ngeles a re now doi ng effect iYe work in the fo re;gn f ield. -t. Foreign mi ss ionar ies home on f url ough . J\Tam· of t hose who haYe had exper ience in t he fie ld need dur ing their clays o f furlough to increase their knowledge of t he Bible a nd t he met hods of Ch r istian work now in use. ~ot infrequentlv they f ind that there is no place so well adapted fo r this purpose as the B ible InsHute . S. Men and women prepar ing for va ri ous forms o f Chr ist ian work bes ides t he pastorate, eYangelists , sing111g eYan-

T h irteen

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