

ge li sts . supe rintend ent s o f Chri st ian insti tuti ons, Sunday School workers . ass ista nt pas tors. church visitor s, Young :i\I en·s Chri st;an Assoc ia ti on sec reta r ies . Young \\!omen 's Ch ri sti an Assoc ia ti on sec retari es . city miss ion worke rs . rescue mi ss ion workers. 6 . Men a nd women who cl o not intend to give their whole time to de fini te fo rms of Chri sti an sen·i ce. but who des ire a large r knowl edge of the Bibl e a nd pract; cal methods of work , in ord er tha t they may be more use ful in their home churches . La rge numbers of men and women haYe gone thrmwh the B ible Inst itute with no intenti on of g iYing their ent ire life to definit e Chri st ian work. :\'ot a f ew of th ese af terward s have gone into the pas tora te a nd othe r fo rms of Chri st ;an work, but many of them haYe gone back to the ir churches to be a help to their pastor ancl to the Chri st ian li fe of th e community . 7. ~ Jen alreach- in the mini stn· who fee l the need of a more thorough, acct;rate and p rac tici l knowl edge of the B ibl e. An e, ·e r increas ing number of men who haYe had success ful experi ence in the mini stry a re coming to the Bi ble InsHute t o take ach ·antage of its fac ilit ies for equipment fo r inc reas ing use ful ness .


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