



The Denominational and Doctrinal Position of the Bible Institute

T he Bible Inst itute does not antagonize any evangeli cal denomination, but seeks to cooperate . with them all. It has no purpose or thought of fo rming a new denomi nation. The Institute recogni zes and rejo;ces in the great good that is being accomplished by the churches of the different denominations, and seeks to help them to clo even more eff icient work. It desi res and culti vates the fellowsh ip and co-operati on of all the eva ngelical denominations and of indiYidual believers in all the · churches. vVhde there is a church worshipping on the Lord 's Day in the Auditor ium of the B ible Institute, that church is an entirely sepa rate orga nizati on, and the Institute does not require nor expect tha t stud ents coming to the Insti­ tnte will become members of that church. The church is open to those who des ire to .]Jecome members of it, but it is e,i·p ected that the students of the Bible Institute will be loyal to the dr- 110111i11atio 11 to i, ,J,iich they brlo11g. T he director s and teacher, of the Institute a re chosen without rega rd to their denomina­ ti onal affi liat ion, a nd have always represented a number of different denominati ons. Among those represented on the Facu lty and Board of Directors of the B ibl e Institute of the present or the past, may be menti oned members of the fo llowing denominations: l\fethod ist Episcopa l, P resbyterian , U nited Presbyte ri an. Congregat ;onal , L utheran, Bapt ist , Ep iscopal , Chr ist ian , nited Evange li ca l. However . t he Institute does stand for a definite doctr inal statement of fa ith , and all its teachers a nd directors, regardless of denomina t ional affi liation, are required once a yea r to sign the Sta tement of Fa ith. ( See ne:-::t page.) .-\11 moneys contributed to the Institute wdl be held inviol­ able for the teaching of t hese trnths. Fa; lure to insist upon the promulgati on of these t ruth s, or the permission of teach ing contra ry to this statement of belief. wou ld const itute ground for sui t fo r the revers ion of the money contri buted to the or igi nal donors or heirs. The Statement of Fa ith is as fo ll ows:

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