



The Two Year Course of Study (See th1-ee-year course . page -l--1- . For the course of study arranged by semeste rs see page -l-7 .) The course of study is the outcome of the personal expe r­ ience of the teachers in pastoral , eYangelistic, home a nd foreign miss ionan· a nd cit\· mi ssionan· work, conferences . and other teaching {vork in n;any lands . ~ncl also of an exper; ence in the training o f men and women fo r Chri st ian work extending OYer more than a quarte r of a cent ury . It embraces the follow ing subjects : Doctrinal Study of the Bible The Bible is the chi ef textbook of the Bible Jn st itute, but a large numbe r of methods are fo ll owed in study ing the Bible . The funcbmental thing in the teaching o f the B ibl e in the lnstitule is a thoroug h course in the doctrinal content s of the entire B;ble. Thi s cO\·ers t1,,-o school year s. lt compri ses a ca re[ u l and thorough study of what t he Bible teaches on the great fu ndamenta l truths of th e Chri st ian faith. \\ ' hil e t he course in Bib le doctrine cO\·ers all the subj ects taken up in our bes t theological seminari es in their courses in SYSTE11ATIC T1 1Eo i.ocv. t he method of stud ,· is enlireh· different from t ha t usually pursued in t heolog;cal sem inari ~s . T he doctrine is neYe r stated and t hen proof texts hunted up to prove the doc­ t rine. T he method is rat her tha t pursued in our day in all other branches of scient ific stuch·, the l KDUCTl\'E ::\lETU OD. EYery passage of Sc ripture bearing- upon th e doctrin e und er discussioi1 is examined and its exact mean ing in the light of the context dete rmined, a nd thus t he Bible teaching is ascerta ined and the results class ifi ed in propos itions that state wha t is contai ned, and on ly what is conta ined, in t he Sc r iptures t ha t have been studied . The pr;mary a im of the study is to st rengthen the fait h of t he student , to g iYe him an accurate and thorough knowledge of Hible truth a nd lo qualify him to teach or preach the truth conta in ed in the Bibl e in a systematic fo rm. H ow ­ eYe r. t he study proYes also of immense help in the deYelop­ ment of al l the in tell ectua l fac ul t ies o f the student. a nd realh· is also a course in the onl y sure and stab le ph ilosophy t hat there is. Yiz .. the philosophy reYealed hy an Omni sc ient Goel . The I.

T wenty-one

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