

student who takes a complete course. is thus qua li fied not onl y to promulgate the truth , but to discern and expose all the forms of false. doctrine that are being taught in the world and in the church today. The Two-Year Cycle of Study FrnsT YEAR- First Semester-THE DOCTRINE OF GOD : Goel as Spirit . the T.; nity , Eternity, Immuta­ b;lity, Self-existence. Persona lity , Omnipo­ tence, Omni sc ience, Holiness. T ustice. LoYe , :\fercy, Compassion, Yeracity , and Faithful­ ness of Goel. THE DOCTRIXE OF JESUS CHRIST: H is Deity. Hi s Suborcli na.t ion to the Father, His Human Xature. His Character. Second Semester-THE DOCTRil\'E OF JESUS CHRIST. Continued: - His Death, I+ s Resurrecti on, His Ascension, H is Coming Again. THE DOCTRlXE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT : His Persona li h ·. Deih·. Di stinction, Subord i­ nation , Xames ·and Titles. \\.ork. Bapt ism and Fi lling with, ·\\ .o rk in Prophets and Apostles . and in J esus Ch r; st. First Semester- THE DOCTRIK E OF l\IAN: Or iginal Condition, Fall. Present Standing. F uture Destiny. I ustification, the J\ ew Birth, Adoption, Sa1;cti"ficati n. Repentance. Faith , Love to Goel, LO\·e to Ch r ist, Love to ;\1an. Second Semester-THE DOCTRI~E OF :\JAX. continued : P rayer, ThanksgiYing, \Yorsh;p, Believer's Assurance and Future Destiny. THE DOCTRlXE OF ANGELS AND DE­ ::\TONS : Nature, Positi on, >-'umber, Abode, \\'ork. THE DOCTRJ 1'E OF SATAN : Ex istence, Kature. Position , Character, Abode, \\.ork and Destiny. our Duty Towards Him. SECOND YEAR-


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