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IV. Bible Analysis The method pursued consists of a thorough book study of selected books in the Bible, comprising ( 1) Int rod uctory wo rk on t he book . (2) A rigid a nd thorough analysis of each ve rse in eac h chapte r, the stud ent in hi s ana lys is being required. as far as poss 'bl e. to state in the most bri ef a nd exact form pos­ s ible. eYe ryt hing that is in the Ye rse and only what is in the yerse . EYerything that is in the Yerse i11 t/ir ///Ost co11ci.1·r for///. ( 3) \\'hen e \·ery Ye rse ha s been carefu ll y and thoroughly analyzed. the teachings of th e book as a whole are class ified. This method of study forms one of the mose effect iYe methods of tra ining the Ya r 'ous intell ectua l faculties and the power of expression. On ly selected books a re studi ed in thi s way, but such hooks are chosen as seem mos t essen tial for the student tn und ersta nd. V. Biblical Introduction In thi s course the simples t fac ts about the B ible a s a hook a re taken up: The meaning of th e name Bible. number, a nd d ivisions of the books, th e hi story of the manu scripts. and of our E ng li sh vers ions, the inspirat ion o f the books . the canon of Scripture, the geography of Bible lands. especially Palestine a nd Jerusalem. the templ e. its locat ion and st ructure, the syna­ gogue a nd its services. VI. Biblical Criticism B iblical crit ic;sm has been brought into disrepute among rnany. because of the preYalence and a r roga nce of clest ruct iH: crit icism. bu t it has its proper place in any thorough study of the Bible. a nd a thorough and candid study of Bibli cal criti­ cism never leads to clestructiYe. bu t to const ruct iYe result s. A caref ul exam:nati on is, made of the methods a nd a rgumenb of the clest ructiYe criti cs . a nd the fa ls it\· of t heir conclu sions. The positi\·e argument for the :\[osa ic a(ithorship of the Penta­ teuch, fo r Isaiah 's authorship of the ent ire book bea ring hi s name, and fo r Daniel being the au thor of the book of Daniel. we ll be fu ll y stated . VII. Christian Evidences ( 1) The proof that J esus rea ll y arose from the dead. (2) The eY iclence that the Bible is the \\' ore! of Goel . R eference

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