



is mad e to the eY idence from the 111 on u111ent s, from prophec\· . fro111 the history of the book. from a co111pari son of the Bible with other books. together with a proof in pe r sonal experi ence that the B ible is the \\'orcl of God . See a lso "Course in the History and P hil osophy of the Chri stian Rel igion .·· VIII. A Course in the History and Philosophy of the Christian Religion Xote: Two-year students w; ll he perm itted to take onl y part of this course. This course a ims to interpret Chri stianity in its wo rld set­ ting and to consider the n li dity of its claims in the light of Ph il osophy, Sc ience and C rit; c isrn. Const ructively th is will mean a s tud y of the Bible Philosophy of Relig ion. It will fo ll ow two defin ite lines of.' study, each covering a per iod of three school years. First. a study of the history of the Chri st ian Rel ig ion. Second a n in te rpretat:on of the hi story.


I. THE ORTGJX AXD DEVELOP?l[EKT OF THE CHRISTIAN REUGJOK 1. The \\' orlcl Background. (a) Greek Thought-an outline of the results of men' s endeaYo r to und e rstand history a nd th e wo rl d . (b) Roman Politics- an out line of t he result s of human Governments. (c) Hebrew and popula r religions-an outlin e of the issues of men' s thinking about Goel. 2 . Bi r th, Life, :\h1istry. Death and Resurrect ion of Chr ist. A brief st ucl v of the Historical Christ-or the Christ of the Gospe ls. 3. T he or igin of the Church a nd the conf lict and dnelop­ rnent of the Chri st ian re ligion in t he first four cen­ tur ies A . D. -+. T he or igin and de\·e lopment of the Roma n Catholi c a nd Greek Cathol:c Churches up to t he I 2th Century. J . T he R efo rm::iti on.

· Twenty-seven

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