




(a) The world and political background. ( b) The Religi ous and Ecclesiastica l background. ( c) The origin, nature and significance of the t hree great branches of the Reformat ion- the Lutheran. Engl ish and Reformed . Tnrno YEAR 6. The ri se and deYelopment of the modern Chu rch with its new attitude (whi ch is u suall y referred to as "The ~\l odern 1\lind .. ) and its mi ss ionary , philanthropic and social moyements. Thi s will be an endea\·o r to get the hi stor ical basis and background of the complex and acute problems with which the church is now con­ fr onted in its thinking and activiti es . II. THE PHILOSOPHICAL I NTERPRETATIO~ OF THESE FACTS OF RELIGION . This will be an endeavor to find the source, mea ning and signifi cance of the fact of r eli g ion as found in the histo ry studi es. F m T YEAR 1. T he interpretat ion of the wor ld as it finds its culmi nation in man and the social orde r. Th is will be an endeaYo r to i?:et a clea r idea of t he diffe rent t heo ri es of the origi n and meaning of our wor ld with special regard to the ori g in , nature and meaning of religion. T hi s will i1wolve the difie rent t heo ri es of eYolu tion and the quest ion of the poss i­ bi lity and nature of reYe la t ion.


2. J esus Chri st as the highest express ion of lif e and the logical key to the fin al mea ning of our world a ncl t he supreme authori ty in religion. T hi s will be large ly a study in comparat iYe religions in which there wi ll be an endeaYo r to- see the nature and signifi cance of the di ffe rent world religions and to fi nd the fund amental reasons why Chri st iani ty is the u11i1•rrsal and final religion.

T wenty-nine

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