



Tnrno YE. \R 3. A study of Ch r ist ianity as a supe rnatural and redempti\·e relig ion as affec ted by mode rn Science, Philosophy a nd Critic ism. In this course we will frankh· face the cla ims of so­ call ed sc ientifi c and histo r ic~ ] methods that defi­ nitely exc lude the supernatura l and tn· to explain religion on a purely naturalist ic or semi-naturalistic bas is. ln a construc t ive wa y we will endea\'Or to show that a ny theory that c~n honestly claim to be scient ifi c a nd hi stori cal in its deal ing with the fact of religion mu st make prov ision fo r all the facts of ex­ perience a nd not arbitrar ily exclude any fact in the interest of the theory . It is one thing to ha\·e a con­ s isten t and constrnct i\'e philosophy of hi story . and quite a nother thing to doctor and reconstruct h isto ry to fit into our pholosophy. This cou rse w:11 a im to g i\·e a true phi losophy of relig ion as it is actually found in hi story and human expe rience . Any such philosophy mu st in the very nature of things center in Chri ·t. fo r He is the supreme expression o f reli g ion from wl1ate\'er a ngl e we approach it . Therefore. a phil osophical interpretat ion of the B ible as it centers and culminates in Chri st i1woh·es a comprehensi\' e and sc ientifi c interpretat:on of re­ lig ion and of the world of wh ich it is a n essen tial part. That is why a course of th is kind has a funda­ mental place in a "Bible Institute' ' which aims to thoroughly fi t men a nd women to intell igentl y preach Chr; st and present His supreme claim to Lordship in life and its affairs. IX. The Study of the Bible with Special Reference to its Use in Personal Work The most impor ta nt a nd effecti\'e method of bring ing men to Ch r ist. both in home a nd fo reign lands, is PERS0:\ ,\1. \\.ORK. A special emphas is is la id upon th is work in the B ible Institute. The object of the stud y is to give t he student a thormwh knowledge of the different classes of men and women a nd


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