



work, How to ach·ert ise the "·ork. How to rai se mone,· for the work. These subj ects are a ll treated in a practical° way, lea rned by experience by one who has cl one eYangeli sti c work in every part of the g lobe, ass;stecl by other reliable and effi­ cient ernngeli sts . XIII. Bible Teachers' Trai~ing Class This cla ss has for its purpose the traini ng of men and women to be interest ing and efficient Bi bl e teachers in churches, e,·angeli tic meet ings, Bible Confe rences, Bible classes, Sunday Schoo ls, Colleges . Young :\Jen 's and Young \ \!omen's Chri stian Associa6ons. and other inst ittlti ons where the teaching of the Engli sh Bible is required . In thi s class stud ent s are taught the principles underlying, and the laws gO\·ern ing the teac hing process. and are called upon to teach in the class room. their work being criti cized by the teacher and their fe ll ow students. Special emphasis ;s laid upon the teaching of popula r Bible classes. The best methods of teachi ng a re ptlt into practice . Second yea r student s only a re eligible to thi s class. XIV. Psychology and Sociology The best text book on psychology is the Bible. The Bible sets fo r th man as he rea ll y is. The study of psychology is pmsuecl in many o f the classes . and especiall y in the Personal \\'ork course. Its a im is to giYe the student a thorough knowl ­ .eclge of man as he actua ll y is by natu re, as he is in hi s personal life, home li fe , social li fe. btl siness li fe. and mental , moral and spiritual life, and as he may become by the g race of Goel in I esus Christ. The ai m of the I nstitute is tha t the men and ~vomen who go out from it shall not onl y know their Bibles, btlt shal l haye a thorough, practi cal. worki ng knowledge of me;1 fo the;r relation to themseh·es. to one another. to society, to the church, and to Goel . XV. Pedagogy It is not enough to know the truth, one needs to know how to communi cate t hat truth to othe rs. Students a1·e g iven a thorough course of sttlcly and pract ice in those methods of


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