


teaching that have prO\·ed effec tive in personal experience. Such s,1b' ects as : The Point of Contact. T he Art of [l]ustra­ t ion. T he Art of Quest ioning . Ga in ing and Holding the Con­ fidence of the Class; Encouragi n!!: the Backward. etc., are care­ fully studi ed . (See a l:;o Bibl e T eache rs' Trn;ning Class, page 33.) XVI. Prophecy· A carefu l. sctne stuch· of the fulfi ll ed and unfu l fi ll ed l\Iessi­ ani c and General prophes ies of the O ld and New Testaments, showi ng tha t the moderni st posi ti on that th ere is no predict i\' e element in the Bible. is untenable in the lig·ht of the facts. XVII. The Sunday School The work of a n Ach·a nced Teacher Training Course is pre­ sented with emphasis on metho:ls, not orga nizat ion. A silllple yet comp lete course in child stncly is also given in order that a cur ri cu lulll suited to each age ma_v be planned. This w;II be especially va lu2ble to one who must work independently of lessons provided by others. Special emphasis is placed on the selection of lllate ria l for individ ua l lessons fo r each age, to its preparation and presentation in accord with the pedagogical standard s of the foremost educat: ona l inst ituti ons. In view of the ca ll fo r teacher s of the Bible to work in connection with the pub li c schools of man\' cit ies in several different stat es, those holding teacher's crede;1t ials are helped to plan cour ses of stud v for use m this great work . XVIII. Religious Education Designed to prepa re for pos it ion as pastor's assistants, directors of Relig ious Ed ucat ion a nd leadership in the Sunday School a nd va ri ous organizations of the church. This cou r se will include: A study of the modern pri nciples of teaching espec iall y as applied to re li gious educat; on; A stud y of child psychology. a nd th e general characteri s­ tics . capac iti es . lim itat ions a nd interests of the various age g roups in the Sunday School and kindred organ izat ions; A study of the or ig in. cle\·elopment a nd structure of the O ld a nd New Testaments \vith spec;al attention given to the


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