





teachings of the l\Ias ter and the found ing of Chr istianity and the Apos toli c Church ; A study o f the organi zati on and admin istrat ion of the modern Sund ay School. XIX. The Use of the Blackboard I n t his class students a re ca re fu ll y trained in the use of the blackboa rd in sett ing fo rth Gospel truth. E ve ry Bible teacher, and espec iall y the worker s in the Sunday-school. should be able to sketch off- hand maps or other ill ustrati ons that wi ll get and hold the a ttenti on of the class . E laborate blackboa rd d rawings are not attempted, but any student with some na tura l g ift fo r d rawing wi ll get suffic ient t rain ing in the fund amenta ls to develop the g if t along co rrect lines. XX. Missions I n thi s course is covered the hi story of Chr ist ian miss ions up to and including the organ iza ti on of the g rea t miss ionary boa rds; t he needs of, and the mi ss iona ry fo rces in the g reat heathen lands a re studi ed , the ca11 and qualifi cations of the mi s­ s;onary are presented and instrnct ion g iven as to applying t o the boards; the mi ss iona ry on the fi eld, hi s relat ion towa rds his fe1l ow mi ss ionar ies, towa rd s the board , towa rds the heathen. and the care of hi s own health. are dealt with. The various phases of home mi ss ionary work a re also considered, such as, the immig rant problem, the I nd ian problem, the Negro problem, and the work among the mounta ineers of the south. T he Inst i­ tute is highl y fa vored in having. either as enrolled students or visitors, returned miss ionari es representi ng in the course of the year pract ica ll y every g rea t world field and every g reat mi ss ion boa rd , and the students a re a lways given an oppor tun ity t o hea 1· from t hem. One term is devoted to a fu ll cour se of instruct ion in F irst Ai d to the In j ured and Home H ygiene. XXI. Public Speaking and the Reading of the Scriptures I nstruct ion in this course will cover everythi ng that is fu ndamenta l and essential in the use of the voice in publi c

Thirty -s ix

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