



ach ·antages of the Bible Inst itute, but they are not awa rded the diploma. unl ess th ey shall have secured a working knowl­ edge of modern E ngli sh. The instruct ion in E ngli sh given in the Institute is of a lllOS t pract ica l character. A student enter­ ing the Institute without having colllpl eted the High School stud ies may be requ ired by the faculty to lengthen hi s stay to three years in ord er t o acquire E ngli sh. Specia l work in Ach·anced E ngli sh is g iven in the Three Year Course. The E ng­ li sh Bible is the one pee rl ess masterpi ece of pure. fo rceful E ngli sh and the stud ent s will be persistently t rained to use pure. v igo rous. Bibl e E nglish. XXV. The Preacher and His Duties Out o f an ex peri ence as a pa stor fo r nea rl y twent:-·-fi vc yea r.~. a nd as an evange li st fo r severa l yea r s , the teacher direct s in the study of such v;tal topics as : The Preacher as a S tu ­ dent; H in ts on Read ing ; The ;1Tin ister 's O ffice or Study ; Buy­ ing Books- \\.hen. H ow and \\ .hat; H ea rer s. and H ow tn Treat T helll ; R ela ti on of th e l\f essenge r t o hi s ;1fessage; Th~ P reacher' s Loyalty t o hi s Master . to hi s Message and to :Jen : Dangers to A void in the l\Tini stry ; Church Government- H ow to Treat Church Offi cer s; The l\ 'lid-week Praye r J\ l eeting . its Value. its Lead ers, its T opics and its Dangers ; The :.fin ister 's Relat ion to the Children o f Hi s P ar ish ;- Dealing \ \ ith Child Com·ersion and Child Tra in ing and \ ,Vo rk for Children in General; l\Teetings for Children Onl y ; Sermons fo r Chil dren; V is;tat ion or Pastoral Calling ; Illustrati ons, their Function , Chai-ac ter and ource. XXVI. Music T he prime obj ect of the lllusic instru cti on is to equip the stud ent thoroughl y fo r every demand made upon the Chri stian work er in play ing . singing. conducting, wr iting and teaching Gospel mu sic. It prepares for every bran ch of regular church mu sic acti vity, a nd the special work of mu sic in evangeli sm. Courses are off ered in Voice. Piano. O rgan , V iolin. Theo ry and Nota ti on. S ight S inging. Conducting: Harmony and Com­ pos iti on. )J'ormal Tra ining, H ylllnology . Advanced Choru s and E ar T ra ining . In all instructi on a standard of technique is mainta ined equal to that of th -= bes t consen-a tori es , and provision is made

Thirt y -eight

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