

RALPH .-\TKIJ\SON '-- Homi let ics, Evange li sm, Pastoral Theology, Public Speaking JOH:\" \l. \Iacl:\" K I S V Philosophy of the Chri stian Religion, Church History, Chri st ian E ,·id cnccs, l\ cw Testament Exposition 1-L \\ ·. I( ELLOGG L- Bible Doct rin e, Expository S tudi es in the Ep ist le s, Reclcmpti onal History of Creat ion, l\ . T. Greek JOHK \ 1.AR\'I N DE .-\:\" , Sys tematic Theology -.! ERKEST G. RAITT, Religi ous Eclucation L---­ JOHX H. HU:\"TER l...- Synthetic Bi bl e Study, Bible Chapte r S ummary, Home and F ore ign \ li ss ions JOHK .--\ . HUBBARD "' T eacher T raining, Practical Ch ri st ian \ Vo rk ( \l en ) \ •JRS. BESSE D. \Jc . .\:\"LIS L- \\.omcn's \\ ' ork, DeYoti ona l L ife, Chri st ian Et iquette \LARI£ C.-\RTER I/ Eng li sh, Introd ucto ry Bible Studies , Prac tica l Christian \ •\ ·o rk ( \\ .omen ) \ ,IRS . A. L. DEKKIS ✓ Child );aturc, Bible Sto ry Tell ing , Sunday Schoo l ::VIethocl s, Pastoral Theology WILLI.-\\I H . PIKE ' Bible Doctrine, Analys is, Bible Chapte r S nmma ry, Prophecy KEITH L. BROOKS <... Bible Study Cou r ses by Co rr espondence- Doctr in e, Pe rsona l 'No rk, ck. JOHK B. TRO\\.BRIDGE ,.,._ \lusic- Yoicc , Notat ion, Conducting, \Ien 's Glee Club, lcli sto ry of \Iusic, Hymno logy HERBERT G. TOVEY \/ \[us ic-Harmony, Conducting. \\"omen's Glee Club, Voice CHRI STI..\:\" \L BOOKSV \Iusic-\'oicc VdUI.-\ KR.-\G v \lu sic- P iano ALFRED ffCTLER v Mu sic-Pipe Organ

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