

ing the facts of mu sic T heory, Notat ion and Harmony. Thi~ subj ect requires two semester s to complete it. 9. VIOLIN AND ORCHESTRAL IN TRUl\ffNTS A n experi enced violinist gives instruct ion in thi s impo rtan t instrument, using the best modern methods. Exper t instruction is a lso proYided fo r those desiring inst ruction on the cornet, trombone and other band and orchestral instruments XXVII. Practical Work As the whole a im of the Institute is to turn out ,,·orkers who are practical, the inst ruction given in the class room is at once t ran slated into practice, as a part of the training. Students a re required to attend and assist in missions, st reet meetings, tent meetings, to visit people in their homes. to conduct adu lt Bible classes and Sunday school classes. and to engage in Yar ious other fo rms of aggress;ve Chri st ian work, and a lways with their eyes open for oppo rtunities fo r personal work. T hese assignments are made by the Super intendent., and every student is requi red to hand in each week a w,-itten report of their work. A weekly report meet ing is held at which the work of the preceding week is surveyed and difficulti es discussed. T hi s is one of the most practical, helpful , and insp irat ional hour · of the week.


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