



The Three Year Course

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How the Course Came To Be A. large number of the graduates of the Bible lnstitute of I,os Angeles have been called into the, regular mini st ry and to be pastors in Baptist, Methodist, Presbyter ian, Congregational and other churches . Some of these denominat ions requ;re a three .,·ear course in a t heological seminary as one of the con­ ditions of ordination, and until September. 192 1, the Bible Institute of Los Ange les offered only a two yea r course o f study, though those two yea rs were longe r than the school yea r ord inari ly given in theological seminaries . being yea rs of n;ne month s each, eighteen months in all. Notwithstanding this. ma ny of the g raduates of th is Inst itute ha ve passed ve ry credit­ abl e exam inat ions before Council s. Presbyter ies and other orcl a; ning bodies, and after their ordination have clone accept­ able and effective work in the mini st ry . But the Faculty of the Bible l nstitute, many of whom have been in pastoral work and know the demands of the work, have felt that a two yea r course did not gi1·e adequate preparation fo r the ministry, so it was dec ided to offer a larger and more adequate course requi r ing three years · work to those contemp lating taking up regular pas­ tor' s work. The results of the aclclecl year's work have been Yery gratifyi ng in the number that took the course and in the progress that they have made in the course. and it has been determined to enlarge and st rengthen th is course in many ways, and to increase the faculty by the add ition of men pecu liar ly fitted by education and experi ence fo r this part icu lar work. :\ Ian_,. of our students, on the ach ·ice of the Faculty. enter various theological seminaries to get the adcl;tional work that is desirable. But many mini ster s of different denominations have said to us that they felt that the Bible Inst itute wa s under an obligat ion to t he chu rches to give this aclclitional work he re at the InsHute, and at the same time to g ive other work that cou ld not be g iven in most theological seminari es . A large measure o f pressure has been brought_ to bea1· upon us to do thi , and we could not but fee l that the opini on of the mini ste rs in these cli fferent denominati ons wa s thoroughl y ju st ifi ed by the fact s in the case.


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