



The Courses of Study To meet th e needs o f students whose lif e-work will dema nd spec ial emphas is upon ce rta in fo rms of Chri sti an effort , the Institute ha s a rranged , in addit ion to the general course of tra ining- Course One. three other courses. as fo ll ows : Course Two. a rra nged fo r those wi shing spec:al tra ining in :\lusic ; Course Three. special train ing in Home and Foreign :\I issions ; Course Four, special tra ining in Eel ig ious Ed ucation. The sub­ jects of each Course are as iullnws :

Course I.

{Regular Course)

,~m sT YEAR

s1::co:--.-D S I':\IESTI-:1,

1: 11{ST S DI "STU{ Bibli ca l fotr oc\ 11 ction

13ibli cal Geog r aphy a nd \1 is tit11 -

tio ns . PNsona l \\' o rk Bible Sy nth es is Hible Doctrine Bible .-\naly s is

Persona l \\' o r k

B ible Chapter Summary

Bible Cha pt e r S 11111111ary

Bibl e Synth esis Bible D oct rin e Bible :\nalysis

O rig in and De ,·c lopmcn t o f t he

O ri gi n an d De ,·e lop111 e11 t o[ th e

Ch ri st ian Rel i 0 io n

Chri st ian .Reli gion

Philosophy o f the Ch r isti an

i>hil osoph y of th e Chri s tian

Religi o n


H omiletics

I Io mil etics

l--1 ome a nd F o r eign \ I i,, ion s Pr act ica l \ , .o r k Report :\ Icct ing

Home a nd 1 7 o r e ig n \I iss ions I'ractical \ \ -o rk Jfrpo rt \ Icet ing

S E C<l:\ I)

YEA J\. S 1·:CO:--.:D SDIEST I::R 13ibl e Chapte r S11 m1n ary

1 7 JR S T S I•: \11,ST l, LZ Bible Chapte r S 11111111ary

Bib le Sy11th es is Bibl e D o ctrin e Bible .-\ na lysis O ri gi n a nd Dcve lop 111cnt of the Chri st ia n R e ligi o n P h il osophy of t he Chri ;;tian Re lig ion Homiletics Sun d ay Schoo l :\ 1et hods T eache r Training Evange li s111 Practical \\"o r k Report :\ [ eeting

Hiblc- Sy nth es is 13ible D oct r in e 13ibl e .\nalysis Or ig in ,u HI De ,·e \op1nu1t o [ t he Chri stian R eligi on Phil osoph)· of the Ch ri st ian Rel igi on I lomilet ics Sunday Schoo l :\ Iet hocls T eache r Trainino- I) r ac tica l \\ 'o rk lfrpo rt :\lcet ing

F arty-seven

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