



The rooms in the Inst itute a re sing le rooms, comfo rta bly furnished. lig hted. heated ancl suppli ed with running ,,·ater, hot ancl cold. The in sti tute suppli es the linens and launder,, th e same . S tud ents take care of the;r rooms. Excellent table board is provicled in the I nst itute dining room , a sect ion of which is set apart fur the stud ent hocly ancl the Superintendents. The students wait on th e tables . The present rate for room a nd board is $8.50 a week, payabl e in ach ·ance. Owing to the uncerta in market conditions. this rate may ha1·e to be ach·ancecl. It is hoped that it may be poss:ble to lowe r it. Prospecti\'e student s should inquire fur­ ther about thi s when sencling in their applicati ons. or before completing their plans for coming . The Institute aims to charge student s on ly the actua l cost for room and board. Employment and Financial Aid It is of ten times possible for student s. espec ia ll y · men stu­ dents , to find secu lar empl oyment for two or three hour s a clay, or e1·en mo re. by which to . uppl ement thei r funds, although no guarantee of such employment can he g i1· en. Thi s employ­ ment may be about the hu ilch1g . o r it may be in stores or res­ taurants, or in other forms of occupat ion out side the Inst itute . A few stud ents find work in the way of teaching, or as church ass ista nts . or conduct ing choirs or si nging in choirs. or as pas­ tors' assistants. etc. HoweYer. as a ru le the men ancl women who work their way throug h the Inst itute are at a cli sach·an­ tage. and :t is not advised. exc ept where abso lutely necess1ry . ::-(o one should ente r without su fficie nt funds to car ry them through at leas t one semester. ancl it is better for th em to l·e prm·ided fo r the full cost of their board ancl room fo r the con­ templated period of the ir stay. \\'e would suggest to those who ha,·e not suffici en t funcls to car ry them through t he school year that they endeavor ( 1 ) to interest their home church in undertaking their support as a home mi ssiona ry . J na smuch as a ll of the students are require 1 to engage in practica l Chr ist;an work in connection with their studi es . they a re . in fact, rea l home mi ss iona ri es . ('.?) Jntt"resl t he ::\ r iss ionary Society, or Young -People's Soc iety. or Sunday School. of your church in the matter of your support . (3) In ­ terest some fri end who would like to ma ke an inl' es tment fo r the Lord by assis ting· you in your preparation for Ch r :st ian work.


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