



On their g rad uati on, the Institute is pleased to do what it ca n to place student s permanently in Chri t ian work, but it does not guarantee work to a ny one on leaYing the Inst itute. :\fen and women willing to do any work that the Lo rd calls them to do, and who have g ra'duated at the Institu te usually find the specia l place of ·erv ;ce that the Lord has for them, without much d ifficulty.

Classification of Students

Stucl ent s a re class ified as fo ll ows :

1. Regular Student s. Those who take the fu ll work in a ny course. 2. Special Students. Those who cannot take the full work of any of the courses for reasons wh ich are satisfactory to the Faculty. The mlnimum work of a special student is five Bible classes a week . a nd one assignment. Special stud ents li ving in the bu ikh1g pay an increa sed rate for room and board of twenty per cent. They are required to take the examinati ons on the subj ects fo r which they a re en ro ll ed, the same as the regular stud ents. 3. Post-Graduate Stud ent s. Those who hav ing completed the two yea rs' course of the Institute wi sh to remain fo r further work. A ll the privil eges of the regular stud ent are granted them. Their class room work a nd assignments a re arranged in con fe rence with the ecretary of the Faculty. -1-. ::'lrissionaries on F urlmwh. Specia l arrangements are made for the. accommodat;on a nd stucli es of home and fore ign missionaries on furlough. Such should write to the Inst itute for fur ther information . They are wa rml y welcomed .


The regul ar cla sses of the Inst itute a re not in session dur­ ing July. August. and part of Septeniber . though speci al lec­ tures are giYen from t ime to time during those month s. There is a recess at Chr istmas a nd another at Easter , va ry­ ing from ten days to two weeks. ( See Calendar , page 5).

Fifty-s ix

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