
Calendar The school \·ear is cliviclecl into two semesters, and though a student may enter at any t ime. the re are many ach·antages in enter ing at the beginn ing of the school year in September. Credit for the semester's work will only be g iYen to those register ing on the clays des ignated . See below. Christ'an workers not intending to take the compl ete course and yet anx ious to improve their working knowledge of the Bible wi ll be allm,·ed to enroll fo r short periods .


The Ca lendar for 192-1--25 and 1925-26 will be as foll(m·s:

SECO".'\D SE:\[ESTER. Feb. 2- June 19. 1925. ;\Jonclay . Tuesday. Feb . 2. 3... .. ...Reg istration Da\·,; Student s mu st make out class schedu les not late r t han these cJaYS . \\ .-ecl nesday, Feb . -!- ............. ...Classes begin , 8 :-1-:i a . 111. F riday. Ap ril :\ ......Easte r r ecess beg ins. :\T onday, Ap r il 13 ................ .Classes begin . 8 :-1-.S a. m. Saturday. :\l ay 30.............. . ................ i\Temor ia l Day. Sunday. June 1-1-.. .............. .. ...Baccalaureate Sermon. Thu rsday, June 18...............................Commencement DaY Friday, )u,\ e 19............................. ............Alumni J~e-u11·0;1 S ummer vac1tion beg-i ns . FIRST SE:\ IESTER . Sept, l-1- . 1925-J a n.29 . 1926. l\lJonclay. Tuesclay . Sept . 1-1- . l 5............. .. Reg istrat ion Days Studen t s mu st make out class sched ul es not late r than these clays. \\'ednesclay. Sept. 16 ..........Classes begin , 8 :-1-5 a. m. Thursday. Friday, Nov. 26, 27 ...........Thanksgi\·ing Recess Fr iday, Dec. 18 ............................ Chri stmas Recess begins . Monday. J a n . -1- ..............................Classes begin , 8 :-1- 5 a . ·m.


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