


Course. The course includes a ca reful study of th e leading doc­ t rines of the Bible; t he read ing a nd stud y of the whole Bible from Genes is to ReYelation by book, chapter , a nal y ti c or other methocb ; a compl ete course in the use of the Bible in Pe rsonal \\ 'o rk; B'bli cal Introduct ion; Chri stian Ev idences; '.\fissions; the Preparati on and Delivery of Gospe l Addresses and B ibl e Expositions ; Sunday School, and ot he r ;, I ethods of Christian wo rk. Music. In mu sic. t he student s a re drill ed in sight read ing . conduct­ ing congregat iona l sing ing. and harmony . PriYate inst ructi on in \"Ocal and ;nstru111ental mu sic is al so arranged fo r when desired . Fo r special rates see pa!se 5-1- . Thnse who take priYate YOcal or instrumental mu sic lessons a re reouired to attend a t leas t two Bibl e sess ions a "·eek . Practical Christian Work Required. Enroll ed student s are required to engage in definite Chri s­ tian work in connection with their own chu rch, under the supen·i,ion of the Sec reta ry of the EYen;ng School, the stud ent thu s putti ng in practice what has been studi ed in the class rOOlll. Weekly Reports. , tudents a re furn ished blank fo rms on which a careful report of study and work mu st be made and hand ed in ~,-eekl y. Card s on wh ich to record names and add resses of inquire rs or conYerts a re furni shed. th e purpo e being to get e,·e n · crnwe r t connected with solll e church. How Many Classes. \ \"hile the course is ar ranged so that persons of a ,·erage ab ility. empl oyed dur ing the clay, can take all the classes, the Sec retary wi ll always be glad to arrange the number and char ­ acte r oi classes attend ed to suit the special needs of student s. Our aim is to help each ind ividual as much as poss ibl e . Credit Cards. Student s compl et ing a term 's work a nd pass ing sa ti sfactory examina ti ons are g iYen a C redit card showing their sta ncFng in the examina ti ons. Diploma. A. D ipl oma is g iYen student s sati sfac toril y colllpl eting the three yea r s' course .


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