



Correspondence School

Inst ru cti on by correspond ence long since ceased to be an exper iment and took a we ll -earn ed place as a du ly acc red ited method of educat ion. If it lacks the personal touch of th~ cla s -room, it has some advantages tha t t he class-room doe,, not haYe. It intensifi es orig inality . g iYes mor e time fo r con­ s idera ti on. and incrrnses determination. The Bible Institute of Los A.ngeles offer s to men a nd women who are providentially hincl erecl fr om attending the Bible Institute. seYeral Yery pract;cal courses to be taken by correspond ence . A ll are clesignecl with the thought of driving the stu dent to the ·w orcl of Goel it sel f. a nd causing him to work out fo r himself the Scr ipture teachings . T hey a re not courses of reading . T hey a re tools with whi ch to work. Each course is printed in loose- lea f form, punched fo r binder. and a substantia l hinde r will be furni shed at small cost. Q uest ions. with Scr ipture refe rences to supply the answers. a re frequent ly employed. Statements a re pa rt ly fo rmulated, leav­ ing the stud ent to complete them . Other methods a re used to promote or ig ina lity in the student. The Registration Cost 1. T he regis tra ti on fee includ es all inst ruct ion papers. Courses ca nnot be sent unH registration fee is received . U ni ­ fo rm examinati on paper for a nswer ing qu es ti ons will be sup­ plied at the rate of 25 cents per 50 sheets, pos tpa id. Pr inted chapter summary blan ks for Courses 3 a nd 7, 30 cents per 50, postpaid. Loose- leaf hinder fo r lesson sheets. 75 cent s, postpaid. Examinati on paper is req uired fo r a ll cou r ses except Nos. 2 a nd 4. Students also required to furni sh postage for the. return of thei r lessons. Time for Completing Course 2. Two yea rs is the ti me a llowed fo r complet ;on of any one course. but they may be completed in much short er time. Regul a r progress is desired, and if fo r any reason progress cannot be made, the stud ent is asked to inform the secretary. A rrangemen ts can be made for extending th e time limi t, where cond iti ons necess itate such.

Sixty-ei g ht

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