

The Courses Offered Course No. 1

F ' N DA J\ 1ENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRI STI.A.N­ IT\'. D r. R. A . Torrey, Instructor . Price $5 . (Engli sh l:£7s .. including all postage.) Thorough topical stndy of the great doctrines -of Scripture. snch as the Inspirati on of the Scr iptnres. Cod . Ch r; st, Holy Spi r it , Satan, etc . The stud ent fill s in por­ ti ons of the study sheets, and when the papers arc sll h111itted, compari son work is returned . by which t he student can jnclge hi s work and get further help before taking examinati on~ . Can he completed in one yea r. Course No. 2 STUDIES I N THE GOSPEL S. Re\' . Keith l __ !·hooks. Inst ructor. Price $5. (Eng li sh 1£7s .. including postage . ) A verse by ve r se study of l\Jatthew and John in voh ·ing compa ri ­ sons with Mark and Luke . Chri st's Kingclo111 teachings a rc illu111inated by clear notes by l\ lr. Brooks in which ~cripture references are a lways used fo r proof . A fasc inating- "·ay to take up the study of the life and teachings of the Sa,·ior. The stnclent is reqnired to fi ll in blank spaces in lesson sheets and Sllhmit the work. The stndi es are well adapted for cla~s work. Course No. 3 THROCGH THE OLD TESTA:'IIENT BY BOOl<S A'\'D CHAPTEH.S . Rev. J ohn H. Hnnter . In st ructo r . Price $3. (Engli sh 18s .. ;ncludi ng all postage.) This is the chapter snmmary method of study. The stud ent reads each chapter, working out the reqnired points on each. and recording in blanks proYid ecl. This is snbmitted fo r correct ion. and co111- parison work by l\[r. H 'llnter accompani es the papers on thei r 1·etllrn to the stud ent . I ntroductory studi es to each hook of the Oki Testa111ent are g iven. Can he co111pleted in one year . See Course No . 7 THROUGH THE NE \\ . TESTA­ :'IIE'\'T. etc. Course No. 4 PERSONA i- EVA'N'GEU Sl\ [ AND PRACTICA i, \\ .ORK, Rev. T. C. Horton, Inst ru ctor. P ri ce $5 . (English 1£ 7s ., includ;ng pos ta 0 ·e . ) Includes a br ief doc trinal course

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