



and g iYes practical and Scriptural methods of dealing with the unsaYed of a ll classes. as well as fo llowers of the Yarious cults. Suggesti ons fo r conduct of Yarious kind s of religious sen· ices, orga ni zat ions and direction of B ibl e Classes, colportage and other practical Chri stian work . Course No. 5 THROGGH THE BIBLE I N ONE YEAR, ReY. \\'. I-1 . P ik e. Inst ructor. Price $3 . (Eng li sh 18s., including all post­ age.) Foll ows the telescopic method. g iving one a bird's-eyt: view of each book of the Bible. Examinations of a simple character are giYen upon groups of about five books at a time. GiYes one a tine general idea of the Bible. Fifty lessons. one a week. Course No. 6 BlBLE BEGINNERS' COL' R SE, Rev. Keith L. Brook:,. Inst ru ctor. Price $2. (Eng li sh l 2s .. including all postage .) A se ri es o f vital stud ies especia ll y fo r the Chri stian s. tak ing up some of the rudimentary truths of the Chri stian faith. Arranged so as to deve lop orig ina l;ty in the studen t and create­ a deepe r interest in Bibl e study. \\ ·e recommend thi s to all who haYe had no pre\·i ous training. although it will be found Yery stimulating to Chri stian s genera ll y. Can be completed easi ly in a few month s. Course No. 7 THROGGH THE NEW T ESTAl\IENT BY BOOK~ AND CHAPTERS , Rev. J ohn H. H unter, Instructor. Price $3. (Eng li sh 18s., includ ing all postage. ) Sarne as Course No. 3, but in the Xew Testament . Can be completed in one year .


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