



Evangelistic Department

The Tnstitute conducts agg-ress iYe eva nge li st ic work, unde; competent leader ship, along the' fo ll owing lines: :'-\mong th e i\lex icans; Shops and F actori es; among the Seamen in Pacific Coas t Harbor s; House to House V isitation a ncl Bible Class \\' a rk by Rihl e \Vorn en; among t he Jews; ;1 Bible J nstitute in H un an, Ch ina.

The Work of the Bible Women

This wo rk came into ex istence as the result o f a deeply felt need to reac h women in the home, and was orga n ized by :\!rs. An na L. Horton in January , 1909. "Bi bl e \\ 'omen' ' seemecl to he the on ly approp ri ate name hy whi ch to designate t hose chosen and consec rated to the work of saving sou ls by leading them to Chri st, recla iming backsliders . meet ing . warn­ ing and instruc ting those who have been m; slecl bv false reli ­ g ions . ancl es tabli shing beli e,·ers through the teachi ng of the \\'o rcl of Goel. The B ibl e \\' oman 's work is found whereYer th e c11-c11m­ stances spe ll opportunity. H er worki ng hours a re any in the twenty-four when the Lord ca n use her fo r comfo r ting. help­ ing. winn ing back. or saYing !: er sisters. The major part of her work is house to house visitation in an assigned district. organ izing and teaching Bible classe ';. meeting women in business offices, speaking across coun te r s. going irom bed to bed in the hosp itals, and tactfully com·ersi ng in the rest rooms of the bus iness houses . The B ible \\'oman a ids pasto rs by tra; ning the church members for more effic ient serv ice, and by finding in her \'isita­ tion the backs lider and the un churched, and reporting the same to some pastor. Si nce the orga ni zat ion of the work, thi s band of de\'Oted women has spent one enti re morn ing each week in coun sel and prayer, know ing that thei1- work ca n onl y glorify God t hrough the power of the H oly Spi rit .


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