



The Euodia Club O ur state laws proh ibit the teaching of the Bible in the public schools. but there is no law fo rb idding the undermi ning· of the faith of t he stud ent s in God's \Vorel . and the theo ry of evoluti on and othe r teachings contrary to the Bible are freelv taught. Because of these conditi ons . and also because of the fact that our young people are led astray so ear ly in these clays, in 1910 the fir st Bible class among Hio-h School g irls wa s formed ll\· :\I rs. Anna L. Horton in conn ect ion with the old L os Angeles l1igh School. A g roup of g irl s was gat hered together one a ft ernoon each week fo r Bible study. Q u ickly fo ll ow ing this other classes were fo rmed , un t il we now haYe twenty oi these weekly B ibl e classes in connection with the Yarious In te r­ med;at e and 1-J igh Schools of the city and outl y ing towns. Some o f the High School boys are now clamoring for Bii>l c tea ch ing. and three cla sses arc composed o f splendid Chri stian boys. eager fo r a better knowledge of the \ Vo rel of Goel . The organi za ti on of these classes as a whole is known as "The E uodia Club ." The meaning of the word Euod ia is "fragrance." the motto being "Be fragrant fo r Chri st ." In t he past few yea rs we haYe studi ed the Books of Genes is . John and .t\cts. tak;ng a yea r to each. O ne yea r wa s devoted to the g rea t fundamental truths of the B ible, a nd one yea r to di s­ pensational Truth s. A numbe r of our girls are tak ing, o r haYe taken, the Bihk Institute course. a nd ma111· are in actiYe sen· ice for the ] ,ore!. At least one g irl is on the ·fo reign field, a nd othe rs are planning· to go. Our three-fold ai m: To teach the \\ .ord ; to saYe tmsaye,I g irl s; to lead saYecl g irl s into liYes of sen ·ice. The Jewish Work Rememberino- the Scr iptural inj unction- ' ·to t he J ew first,' ' we mai nta in among these " lost sheep of the house of I sraeJ'' d iYinely gifted workers whose labors haYe been g reat ly blessed . and no co1werts afford us more joy than those from among th e people "o f whom, as concerning the flesh, Chri st came."

Seventy- fiv e

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